Thursday, July 17, 2008

Who's Who In Property (Overseas Edition)

Source : The Business Times, July 17, 2008

THE global financial crisis has taken a toll on property markets worldwide, with buyers now calling the shots in many places. And because the turmoil in the US financial sector is far from over, it remains to be seen when a recovery will get under way.

But developers - in Singapore and elsewhere - are not sitting on their haunches. Many are offering private housing at attractive prices to lure potential buyers back into the market.

In recent weeks, some Singapore residential projects have received an encouraging response, and developers are hard at work trying to woo possible customers who are sitting on the fence.

Elsewhere in the region, a similar scenario is being played out. Developers have lined up projects ranging from mass market to luxury - and are waiting for the right time to launch.

In this supplement we focus on major developers in neighbouring countries, particularly in Malaysia, their track records and what they have to offer by way of new and upcoming projects.

The Malaysian market has often attracted strong interest from Singaporean buyers. And while Malaysia's real estate sector has not been immune to the effects of the global financial crisis, some property consultants say there are bright spots in the market.

Those keen to pick up a value buy now will do well to study these next few pages carefully.

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