Thursday, June 12, 2008

S'pore Can Become A Hub For Region's Arab Community, Says George Yeo

Source : Channel NewsAsia, 11 June 2008

Foreign Affairs Minister George Yeo said Singapore can become a hub for the region's Arab community, even as it broadens its ties with Middle Eastern countries like Yemen.

Mr Yeo was speaking at the dinner hosted for Deputy Governor of the Hadramout Region in Yemen, Mr Ahmed Janned Al Janned.

Mr Ahmed is in Singapore on a four-day visit aimed at taking Yemen-Singapore ties a step further. Mr Yeo last visited Yemen in May last year.

The leaders felt that the relationship can be further enhanced as there is a strong reflection of Middle East, not only in Singapore but throughout Southeast Asia. There are also plans to set up an Arab cultural centre in Singapore.

"There has been some progress and a lot of work needs to be done. We will be establishing an Arab centre and plans are being drawn up. We are hoping that the governor of Hadramout can help us on this effort," said Minister Yeo. - CNA /ls

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