Monday, May 26, 2008

SM Goh Commends Calm Reaction Over Pedra Branca Judgement

Source : Channel NewsAsia, 25 May 2008

Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong has commended the calm reaction that has prevailed in both Malaysia and Singapore over last Friday's judgement on Pedra Branca by the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Speaking to the media on the sidelines of a fundraising golf tournament on Sunday, he said it shows a level of maturity in relations between Malaysia and Singapore and that augurs well for the future.

The ICJ in The Hague had ruled Pedra Branca's sovereignty in Singapore's favour, while Middle Rocks went to Malaysia.

Describing it as a tricky knot that has been untied, Mr Goh said that after almost 30 years, both sides can look forward, instead of being bogged down by the issue.

It was Mr Goh – then prime minister of Singapore – and former Malaysian prime minister, Dr Mahathir Mohamed, who had decided to bring the Pedra Branca dispute to third party arbitration, back in 1994.

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However, Mr Goh expressed disappointment that Singapore was not awarded the Middle Rocks as he had thought the judgement would be all or nothing since the rocky outcrops are so close to one another.

Describing the ICJ decision as having a 'hint of Solomon', he said it is perhaps the best outcome for both sides.

On the issue of South Ledge, the senior minister said the boundaries would have to be drawn according to international law. Given the goodwill shown by both sides, he is confident this would be settled amicably.

Asked if Malaysian fishermen would be allowed to pass through the waters of Pedra Branca, Mr Goh said this would be left to the technical committees of both countries to work out the details.

He also did not want to speculate if the same third party process could be used to settle other outstanding bilateral issues between Singapore and Malaysia. -CNA/vm/so

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