Friday, May 23, 2008

Planning For The LONG RUN

Source : The Electric New Paper, May 23, 2008

Joggers, rejoice - the URA's Leisure Plan means you'll be able to enjoy a 150km run around S'pore

FIND jogging along East Coast Park a bore?

How about a 150km jog around the entire country, passing through estates like Punggol, Sembawang and Jurong on the way?

The route, about 3 1/2 times the length of the Pan-Island Expressway, will be seamless - which means you will not be running across any of the expressways.

TNP Graphics: CHNG

And completing it should take you a whole day, assuming you've got the stamina to run such a distance.

The route is part of the Urban Redevelopment Authority's Leisure Plan, which includes provisions for a range of activities.

The plan was unveiled yesterday by Minister for National Development Mah Bow Tan at the Singapore Institute of Architects 47th annual dinner.

Said Mr Mah: 'When fully completed, the round-island route will bring Singaporeans even closer to our coastline and greenery.'

The highlights of the Leisure Plan include enhancing Singapore's greenery, creating leisure destinations with unique offerings and encouraging greater buzz and nightlife in the city.

Some of the green enhancements include increasing park spaces from the current 3,300ha to 4,200ha.

The park connector network will also be more than tripled from 100km today to 360km.

The round-island route, which will allow people to cycle, stroll or run around the country, will also have sections linked by park connectors, coastal promenades and so on.

It will be ready in 10 to 15 years, said the URA.

Areas earmarked for change include Kranji and Lim Chu Kang.

New park land, agri-tainment such as farm stays, and greater access to nature areas will make this project a unique countryside attraction.

Other areas to get a revamp will be the Jurong Lake District, Mandai, Changi Point, Southern Ridges and the City Centre.

There are also plans to spice up Orchard Road, the Singapore River, Bras Basah, Bugis and Marina Bay to keep the city buzzing.

URA's chief executive officer Cheong Koon Hean said this is the first time that such an island-wide plan has been drawn up, with a range of leisure opportunities for all.

She added: 'We want to ensure that even as we continue to grow, we can still enjoy a very good quality of life.

'It is not just about providing space and facilities to play, it is also enhancing the variety and quality of leisure options we have round-the-clock, where there is something for everyone.'

The Leisure Plan is part of the Draft Master Plan 2008 Review.

The Master Plan is a statutory land use plan that URA develops to guide Singapore's development over the next 10 to 15 years. It is reviewed every five years.

Members of the public can give their feedback during the Draft Master Plan 2008 exhibition this Friday at the URA Centre.

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