Monday, May 26, 2008

Committee To Look Into Judgement On Pedra Branca To Meet Within 2 Weeks

Source : Channel NewsAsia, 25 May 2008

A joint committee between Malaysia and Singapore to look into the details of the International Court of Justice's (ICJ) judgement over Pedra Branca could meet within two weeks, said Malaysian Foreign Minister Rais Yatim.

Mr Rais disclosed this when he and Singapore's Foreign Minister George Yeo met the media on the sidelines of the ASEAN-UN International Pledging Conference in Yangon on Sunday.

Earlier, Mr Yeo and Mr Rais Yatim had congratulated each other, saying both sides had won in the International Court of Justice's decision over Pedra Branca.

Last Friday, the ICJ in The Hague had ruled Pedra Branca in Singapore's favour, while Middle Rocks went to Malaysia.

Mr Yeo said a joint committee will go through the judgement in detail and work out the transitional arrangements.

He said: "Our officials will now sit down. They have a joint committee to go through the judgement in detail and to work out the transitional arrangements. In fact, that joint committee has already been at work before the judgement, in order that all scenarios are anticipated and that there will be no friction on the ground.

"Our bilateral relationship is very good and we can be more relaxed now about safeguarding our claims, about the intensity of patrols and so on." - CNA/so

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