Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Who’s Who On The Homefront

Source: The Straits Times, June 17, 2007

Sell! Sell! say some. No! No! scream others. Hmmm, if the price is right… In every en bloc soap opera, weird and wonderful characters emerge. Here are seven.

1. The Stayers

They’ve lived for decades in the same home. It’s where they’ve brought up their families or shared memories with deceased spouses. Money is not an issue - they simply refuse to move out. One widow was afraid her husband’s spirit would not be able to find her if she moved; others say they had no idea their home was being sold. One thing they have in common: really annoyed neighbours who want a quick sale.

2. The Sharks

They sniff out estates with ‘en bloc potential’, hoping to make a quick killing. Passive investors tend to ‘flip’ a unit even before the sale, but more active ones may insinuate themselves onto the sales committees to push through a deal. They’ve been called troublemakers and agitators by those resisting a sale, but other residents welcome their experience in en bloc sales.

3. The Bochap Investors

They are landlords, not residents. They’re bochap (couldn’t care less) for good reason. When their unit goes en bloc, they’re more than happy to cash out. If it doesn’t, they can still collect rent. The real losers: their tenants, who have to find a new place to stay in a quickly rising market.

4. The Activists

They are articulate, passionate, and well-informed. They distribute fliers, write letters to their MPs, and read up on property laws. They are the en bloc rebels of today with only one cause: to stop a sale from going through.

5. The Fence Sitters

They are the ones who sit on the fence, not knowing which side to gun for. Some are not keen to sell but they don’t want to hold up the sale either. Some just aren’t sure if selling is a good idea while others want to be the last one to sign.

6. The Troublemakers

They are hoping to get more than the rest either because they think their units are superior or because their circumstances are more pathetic. Their actions vary from dragging their feet on the signing of the agreement to bringing their cases to the Strata Titles Board. But do not be fooled: they are definitely pro-sale.

7. The Happy Sellers

Some have toiled their whole life to buy that one apartment which will net them an en bloc sale. Some are investors. An en bloc sale would bring them more quick money than they could have dreamed of. Needless to say, they are the first to say yes.

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