Saturday, August 25, 2007

S'pore Flyer: 1.5m Tickets Sold - Fully Booked For First Three Months

Source : The Straits Times, Sunday, Aug 26, 2007

1.5 million people have already booked tickets to board the world's tallest observation wheel, the Singapore Flyer. The ride costs $29.50 and lasts for about 37 minutes. -- ST PHOTO: STEPHANIE YEOW

THE Singapore Flyer looks like it will be the coolest thing going around next year with 1.5 million people already booked to take a spin.

That means the Flyer, which can take 784 passengers at a time, is already fully booked for its first three months once it starts turning on March 1.

Local tour agencies have snapped up 60 per cent of the seats since sales started in April with corporate clients such as banks and trading firms and individuals reserving the rest.

A ride on the Flyer - the world's tallest observation wheel at 165m, or 42-storeys high - costs $29.50 and will last for about 37 minutes.

General manager Cynthia Yeo, 30, has already staked a claim to being a frequent Flyer having bought 26 tickets for March and August dates.

Ms Yeo and her husband have been closely following the construction process since the Flyer's main structure arose on the Marina Bay site in April.

They had no qualms shelling out more than $700 on tickets as the days they picked were special - the March date is near her mother-in-law's 58th birthday and the other is National Day.

'I'm sure it will be a wonderful experience because of the beautiful view. From that height, we'll get to see Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia too,' said Ms Yeo.

Her tickets on National Day will allow her family to take a ride in the late evening - right when the fireworks are likely to be going off.

Ms Yeo added: 'Noone in my family has ever attended the parade so I decided to treat them to a display of fireworks from the Flyer.'

Singapore companies are also booking ahead for corporate events.

Trading firm Brilliant Corporation, which usually holds company functions in country clubs and hotels, has decided to host 260 guests for a charity event on the Flyer next May.

Managing director Mark See said: 'We are always looking for unique venues to entertain our clients so the Singapore Flyer, which is poised to be the nation's next iconic attraction, seemed a good choice.'

But travel agencies seem to be the most interested in booking large blocks of seats.

A spokesman for the Adval Brand Group, the Flyer's marketing agent, said travel agencies have been eager to include the big wheel in packages, as they believe tourists will see it as a 'must do'.

SH Tours general manager Wendy Leong said her company has paid more than $88,000 for 3,000 tickets in response to demand from its overseas agents.

'We did not want to lose out to other agencies and wanted to avoid the rush for slots, so we made a mass booking,' she said.

SH Tours expects a surge in business of about 5,000 tourists from mid-February onwards, the peak holiday season.

Madam Leong is confident the Flyer will attract many tourists: 'It will also inject something new into our current packages, which makes it easier for us to package our tours to overseas agents.'

She said the booking frenzy does not surprise her, given that an adult ticket for the Singapore Flyer is cheaper than one for the London Eye, which costs 14.50 pounds ($44).

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