Monday, August 27, 2007

Extending ERP: Other Solutions Needed

Source : The Straits Times Forum News, Aug 27, 2007

THE Land Transport Authority (LTA) has decided to put put up more gantries and alter Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) hours to manage traffic congestion.

But how does the LTA expect motorists to remember what times each gantry's operation begins and ends, with wide variations in times from 7am to 10.30pm depending where you drive?

More HDB estates are being built along the Central Expressway (CTE) and other expressways - so naturally the car population on these highways will escalate.

Hitting motorists in the pocket is both unfair and heavy-handed.

The three Hobson's choices given to us are sadly lacking and dismal - alternative roads, unreliable public buses and elusive taxis.

Lim Boon Hee

I READ with astonishment the measures taken by the LTA to curb peak hour traffic on expressways. For many years now, the LTA has decided the only way to prevent congestion on expressways is to charge higher and higher ERP rates. Apparently, this measure has not succeeded, yet the LTA has again decided to raise ERP rates, extend operating hours as well as put up new gantries.

I hope the LTA will come up with other innovative solutions which will be more successful in curbing peak hour congestion rather than rely on the tried, tested and unsuccessful ERP system.

Joshua Lim Boon Yew

I HOPE the LTA will plan the new gantry on the northbound CTE carefully. As reported in the media, this new gantry is to manage congestion caused by motorists using the northbound CTE to exit onto the Pan-Island Expressway (PIE).

If this is the case, the new gantry should be located only at the exit point to the PIE and not across the whole northbound CTE. Otherwise motorists not exiting onto the PIE will be charged twice, once at the new gantry and again at the existing gantry at the Braddell exit.

Tan Jiann Ching

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