Friday, August 17, 2007

En-bloc Residents Requested To Stay On Longer

Source : The Straits Times, 17 Aug 2007

WE REFER to the letter, ‘En bloc sale: Work starts even before all move out’ (ST, Aug 13), where Mr Chio Tan Seng queried why the developers of Balmoral View, which had been sold en bloc, were allowed to start building a showflat onsite even though seven units in the development are still occupied.

He asked if the developers are legally allowed to do this as residents have been allowed to stay till November. He was also concerned about the safety of the residents.

We understand that the developers took legal possession of the site in May. Some residents were allowed to stay longer at their request. This was privately agreed upon between the developers and the residents.

In July, the developers obtained Written Permission from URA to redevelop the site. Written Permission was given after URA had determined that the redevelopment plans complied with various planning requirements.

The developers need not obtain a further permit from either URA or BCA to build the showflat within the approved redevelopment site after they receive Written Permission. The developers and stakeholders of the project are directly responsible for safety at the worksite and they should take the necessary safety precautions to protect workers and the residents.

Han Yong Hoe
Director (Development Control)
Urban Redevelopment Authority

Ong Chan Leng
(Special Functions Division)
Building and Construction Authority

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