Monday, August 20, 2007

Conditions Favourable For Singapore To Surge Ahead: PM Lee

Source : Channel NewsAsia, 19 August 2007

SINGAPORE : Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Sunday conditions are favourable for the next few years for Singapore to surge ahead.

Speaking at the National Day Rally, he noted that challenges such as improving the CPF scheme and ensuring that Singaporeans work longer are tough.

But the government has worked out solutions for each of them.

Mr Lee said the strength of the nation also lies in its people.

And the secret of Singapore's success comes from its citizens working together as a cohesive society for the good of the country.

Mr Lee said: "After SARS, estimated Singapore's sustainable growth was at 3 to 5 percent. MTI has reviewed this in the light of last few years and raised the growth estimate to 4 to 6 percent for the next 5 to 10 years. At our stage of development, this is an ambitious target. But we can do it provided we continue to adapt, stay open and ride the wave.

"Whatever the challenges, we will tackle them one by one and sail through. Over the next decade, we have a unique opportunity to transform Singapore. Together, let us make this truly a City of Possibilities and a home for all of us." - CNA/ch

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