Sunday, July 29, 2007

Macpherson Estate Set To Become A More Vibrant Town

Source : Channel NewsAsia, 29 July 2007

Macpherson is set to become a more vibrant town in the next five to ten years as it goes into the next phase of development and regain its status as a transportation hub, said MP Matthias Yao.

In its hey day, 13 bus routes had their terminals at Macpherson and on Sunday, over 2,000 residents at the Macpherson Day Carnival were told that the estate is lined up for bigger things.

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The upcoming MacPherson Circle Line station looks set to make a splash with residents when it is ready in 2010 as it promises to inject vibrancy into the area.

It will also serve as an interchange, intersecting with the Downtown MRT line which will ply through the city centre and Marina Bay.

With the development, linkways and underpasses will be built to connect the neighbourhood centres to the new station.

Mr Yao, who is also the mayor of South East CDC, said: "Because of the convenience of transport in the coming years, Macpherson will become very lively. More people will want to choose to live in Macpherson, and certainly, I see some of the property value going up.

"When the interchange is done, there will be commercial activities around it and that will also bring more dynamism to the existing small businesses within the estate."

And as more residents move in, it is important to promote harmonious living in the estate.

Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong and Marine Parade GRC MPs joined Macpherson residents in celebrating diversity at the carnival.

There are also plans to make life easier for the senior citizens as more than half of the population here in Macpherson are 55 years old and above.

These plans include providing more financial and social assistance to the elderly and upgrading the estate.

Over the next five years, they can look forward to more barrier-free access features around the estate and lifts on every floor, even for low-rise flats.

Three upgrading programmes are in the pipeline and residents from 15 blocks are expected to vote for the projects in September. - CNA/so

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