Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Landed Property: Ministry Says No Pans To Lift Curbs On Foreigners

Source: The Business Times, 28 June 2007

There are no plans to liberalise the existing restrictions on foreigners buying landed properties in Singapore, the Law Ministry said yesterday.

‘In land scarce Singapore, landed properties have to be treated as a special category where purchases by foreigners are subject to special approval,’ a MinLaw spokesman said.

Earlier this week, BT reported on a paper by Goldman Sachs (Singapore), which argued a case for lifting restrictions on foreigners buying landed homes in Singapore. The Goldman Sachs paper said such a change would serve as a catalyst for further foreign buying of private homes and boost the current residential property upcycle.

Removing the restrictions would result in some positive spinoffs, and residential developers could gain from even greater foreign buying interest given the positive message such a move would send.

‘We think relaxing restrictions on foreigners buying landed property would accelerate Singapore’s efforts to attract foreign talent,’ the Goldman Sachs paper had said.

However, some BT readers take a different view. One, Singaporean Patrick Chia, managing director of Hospitality Associates, who is a landed property owner, said: ‘If foreigners are allowed to freely buy landed property, all the non-government owned landed property could theoretically and practically be bought up, because in this 21st Century, the world is flush with liquidity.‘

‘The current abundance of petro-dollars from the oil-rich Middle-East countries and Russia can easily buy up Singapore. So can the current American and European funds with their billions. Bankers and real estate agents can confirm that foreign funds are looking for Singapore property assets to buy.’

Mr Chia, who has nearly 30 years’ experience in the Singapore property business, also recapped the historical circumstances in the early 1970s that led to the government introducing the Residential Property Act in 1973. That law bars foreigners, including permanent residents, from buying landed property here without prior government approval.

‘Way back in 1973, with the first oil shock when oil prices sky-rocketed, then-rich neighbours, Indonesians and Malaysians, were able to freely buy Singapore landed property and much of the prime landed real estate were bought by them.

‘The government, realising the future implications of such a scenario if left unchecked, wisely instituted the current curbs to foreigner purchase of landed property,’ Mr Chia added.

And over the past 30 years, the government has continuously relaxed the curbs as needed, and pointed out that the Singapore government has been very accommodating in this regard compared with many other countries. In Singapore, foreigners have to be PRs before they can receive permission to buy landed homes on mainland Singapore, and Sentosa Cove is the only location where foreigners who are not PRs are allowed to purchase landed property. Even then, foreign would-be buyers must seek permission from the Land Dealings (Approval) Unit under the Singapore Land Authority.

Foreigners, including PRs, can at any one time own only one landed home in Singapore and must occupy it themselves rather than renting it out.

Among the criteria that the Minister for Law will consider when asked to approve foreigners/PRs buying a landed home in Singapore are the applicant’s qualifications and whether the applicant has made, or will be able to make, adequate economic contribution to Singapore.

Typically, it takes about four weeks for approval to be granted, but on Sentosa Cove, the time has been cut to less than 48 hours under a special fast-track approval scheme.

The landed properties that foreigners and PRs may be permitted to buy must have a land area of no more than 15,000 sq ft, although exceptions have been made, with some PRs buying Good Class Bungalows, which have a plot size of at least 1,400 square metres (about 15,070 sq ft).

Foreign buyers may acquire an unlimited number of non-landed private homes, that is, condominiums and apartments. The only foreigners who may buy HDB flats on the resale market are PRs

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