Wednesday, July 25, 2007

An Expat's Lament: High Rentals, Restrictive Rules

Source : The Straits Times,Wed,Jul 25,2007

I AM an expatriate and I am irked by the high rentals - and restrictive rules.
New apartments costing in excess of $6,000 a month in rent (for two-year leases) come with clauses that don't allow you to make it a home, or at least a little bit like home - no hanging of pictures, no nothing, in fact.

Also, agents expect a pristine apartment after two or more years of use. Whatever happened to fair wear and tear?

Inventories come with prices of individual items listed when presented for signature but there are no prices on the tenant's copy.

The most ridiculous clause relates to white goods (i.e., fridge, freezer), which come with only one month's guarantee. This, in brand-new apartments.

Even when asked when the goods were purchased, the agents (or owners) will not provide details of the guarantee on the items. I am generally not in favour of paying for extended warranty for personal items but it is definitely a good idea when renting out an apartment.

There is a charge on just about everything, including for copying and postage, when a service is already paid for.

Perhaps Singapore companies are so used to having foreign corporate bodies pay for their employees that they think they can charge what they like. The truth is that a lot of us pay our own way and we will continue to question dubious items billed to us.

John Muse

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